
KubeWeekly #121

Published: January 25, 2018


Highlights From the Links

  1. Tips for Automating Distributed Logging on Production Kubernetes (https://thenewstack.io/tips-automating-distributed-logging-kubernetes-production/)
    In this article, Craig Martin from Kenzan shares their suggestions for logging within a distributed Kubernetes environment. As with any distributed system, Kubernetes production environments rely heavily on logs. Check out these suggestions that Kenzan is using in their production applications, mixing built-in Kubernetes capabilities with additional data collection tools.
  2. Kubernetes: It’s alive! (https://dev.to/danielkun/kubernetes-its-alive-2ndc)
    For anyone just getting started with Kubernetes, Daniel Albuschat f (https://twitter.com/dalbuschat) rom Gira shares his experience learning Kubernetes and walks you through a few different services to test out its functionality. If you’ve already figured out how to get a Kubernetes cluster up and running, this is great next step to dive into load balancing, autoscaling, and self-healing.
  3. The Kubernetes Journey from Research to Production at Presslabs (https://www.presslabs.com/blog/the-kubernetes-journey-from-research-to-production-at-presslabs/)
    Calin Don (https://github.com/calind) , CTO and Co-founder of Presslabs, shares their journey moving to Kubernetes after splitting their monolithic WordPress application into microservices. Check our their three key lessons they learned from the experience and what they view as the benefits of using Kubernetes for deploying high-availability production applications.
  4. Serverless Podcast – Episode 05 – Serverless on Kubernetes (https://soundcloud.com/serverlesspodcast/episode-5-serverless-on-kubernetes)
    In this episode of Serverless Podcast with Kassandra Perch (https://twitter.com/nodebotanist) of IOpipe, Sebastien Goasguen, (https://twitter.com/sebgoa) maintainer of Kubeless, and Ben Kehoe (https://twitter.com/ben11kehoe) , an AWS Hero discuss different options for going serverless with Kubernetes. From AWS Lambda to Kubeless, this is an interesting discussion on the landscape of serverless, where it’s heading, and how companies might move to serverless applications.


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