
KubeWeekly #120

Published: January 18, 2018


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Join Mirantis‘ Nick Chase (https://twitter.com/NickChase) as he gives you a fast-paced introduction to machine learning and how it actually works, as well as a look at what it might look like in action in your datacenter — especially in terms of projects that already exist.

Highlights From the Links

  1. Cloud in 2018: A world of serverless, Kubernetes and vendor oligopoly (https://www.arnnet.com.au/article/631801/cloud-2018-world-serverless-kubernetes-vendor-oligopoly/)
    Forrester estimates (https://go.forrester.com/blogs/predictions-2018-cloud-computing-accelerates-enterprise-transformation-everywhere/) the global cloud services market will reach $236 billion by 2020. However, even with that anticipated growth, less than half of enterprises have adopted the public cloud. In 2018, this number is expected to cross the halfway mark thanks to continued adoption of the big three cloud vendors, enterprises going serverless, and consolidation around Kubernetes. 2018 promises to be an exciting year for cloud computing.
  2. The Gravity of Kubernetes (https://hackernoon.com/the-gravity-of-kubernetes-33126a96ee23)
    Kubernetes has quickly become the standard for deploying distributed applications. But how did we get here and where are we going? From the history of software standards and container orchestration to the shift to multi-cloud and serverless applications, this article by Jeff Myerson (https://twitter.com/the_prion) , host of Software Engineering Daily, (http://www.softwareengineeringdaily.com/) explores Kubernetes influence on modern application design and what its future role will be
  3. Running a Distributed Database on Kubernetes on Azure (http://lenadroid.github.io/posts/stateful-sets-kubernetes-azure.html)
    If you’re planning to run Kubernetes on Azure, this article is a great walkthrough on how to set up a distributed database. Distributed databases can offer increased reliability, security, and efficiency. Kubernetes’ Stateful Sets feature makes it easier to deploy stateful distributed systems in production. Explore how to create a Cassandra cluster using Stateful Sets with Persistent Volumes and test it out thanks to this tutorial by Lena Hall (https://twitter.com/lenadroid) .
  4. 10 open-source Kubernetes tools for highly effective SRE and Ops Teams (https://abhishek-tiwari.com/10-open-source-tools-for-highly-effective-kubernetes-sre-and-ops-teams/)
    The right tooling can help SRE and Ops teams ensure high-reliability of Kubernetes clusters and workloads more effectively and efficiently. Open source tooling is always changing and evolving, so always having the right tools at your disposal can be tricky. In this article, Abhishek Tiwari (https://twitter.com/abhishektiwari) , shares his top 10 open-source tools for teams maintaining mission-critical Kubernetes services.


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