
Kubernetes 1.10: Stabilizing storage, security, and networking
Kubernetes 1.10: Stabilizing storage, security, and networking
Editor’s note: today’s post is by the 1.10 Release Team Originally posted on We’re pleased to announce the delivery of Kubernetes 1.10, our first release of 2018! Today’s release continues to advance maturity, extensibility, and pluggability of...
March 26, 2018 | By Kaitlyn Barnard

How to benefit from the Container approach
How to benefit from the Container approach
By Jason McGee, Fellow, IBM Jason McGee, IBM Fellow, is VP and CTO of the Container and Microservice Tribe. Jason leads the technical strategy and architecture across all of IBM Cloud, with specific focus on core foundational cloud...
March 22, 2018

This week in Kubernetes: March 21st
This week in Kubernetes: March 21st
Each week, the Kubernetes community shares an enormous amount of interesting and informative content including articles, blog posts, tutorials, videos, and much more. We’re highlighting just a few of our favorites from the week before. This week we’re...
March 21, 2018 | By Kaitlyn Barnard

Trace your microservices application with Zipkin and OpenTracing
Trace your microservices application with Zipkin and OpenTracing
By Gianluca Arbezzano, Site Reliability Engineer at InfluxDB, CNCF Ambassador Walter Dal Mut is a certified Amazon Web Service consultant. He works at Corley SRL, an Italian company that helps other small and big companies move to the...
March 19, 2018 | By Kaitlyn Barnard

Cloud Native Computing Foundation expands certification program to Kubernetes application developers – Beta testers needed
Cloud Native Computing Foundation expands certification program to Kubernetes application developers – Beta testers needed
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), which sustains and integrates open source technologies like Kubernetes and Prometheus, announced today that it is expanding its certification program to include application developers who deploy to Kubernetes. After launching the highly successful Certified Kubernetes Administrator...
March 16, 2018 | By Kaitlyn Barnard

CNCF to host NATS
CNCF to host NATS
Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept NATS as an incubation-level hosted project, alongside Kubernetes, Prometheus, OpenTracing, Fluentd, Linkerd, gRPC, CoreDNS, containerd, rkt, CNI, Envoy, Jaeger, Notary, TUF, Rook and Vitess....
March 15, 2018 | By Kristen Evans

This week in Kubernetes: March 14th
This week in Kubernetes: March 14th
Each week, the Kubernetes community shares an enormous amount of interesting and informative content including articles, blog posts, tutorials, videos, and much more. We’re highlighting just a few of our favorites from the week before. This week we’re...
March 14, 2018 | By Kaitlyn Barnard

Introducing the Cloud Native Landscape 2.0 – interactive edition
Introducing the Cloud Native Landscape 2.0 – interactive edition
Started a little over a year ago, the CNCF Cloud Native Landscape Project is intended to be a resource map to help enterprises and developers through the previously uncharted terrain of cloud native technologies. Through the power of...
March 8, 2018 | By Kristen Evans

This week in Kubernetes: March 7th
This week in Kubernetes: March 7th
Each week, the Kubernetes community shares an enormous amount of interesting and informative content including articles, blog posts, tutorials, videos, and much more. We’re highlighting just a few of our favorites from the week before. This week we’re...
March 7, 2018 | By Kaitlyn Barnard

CNCF sponsors new FREE “Kubernetes deployment and security patterns” eBook from The New Stack
CNCF sponsors new FREE “Kubernetes deployment and security patterns” eBook from The New Stack
CNCF is proud to sponsor a new FREE ebook from The New Stack titled “Kubernetes Deployment and Security Patterns.” Download the ebook today. Moving beyond the shiny new technology stage, the reports posits that Kubernetes is now in adolescence. That...
March 7, 2018 | By Kristen Evans