
Kubernetes knights at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA ’19
Kubernetes knights at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA ’19
Guest blog by Pankaj Gupta from Citrix KubeCon + CloudNativeCon San Diego 2019 was the place to take stock and ponder the progress being made with Kubernetes. It was also the place to learn the art of possibilities...
December 17, 2019

Kubernetes 101
Kubernetes 101
Guest post by Jef Spaleta, Sensu, originally published on the Sensu blog The appeal of running workloads in containers is intuitive and there are numerous reasons to do so. Shipping a process with its dependencies in a package...
December 16, 2019

FAQ for December 2019 TOC nominations
FAQ for December 2019 TOC nominations
FAQ for December 2019 TOC Nominations How many seats? There are 5 seats to nominate: 3 from the Governing Board (GB), 1 from the end user community, 1 from the maintainers of Graduating + Incubating projects. The GB-elected...
December 13, 2019 | By Amye Scavarda Perrin

Does testing Kubernetes conformance leave you in the dark? Get progress updates as tests run
Does testing Kubernetes conformance leave you in the dark? Get progress updates as tests run
Guest post originally published on Sonobuoy, by John Schnake In Sonobuoy 0.15.4, we introduced the ability for plugins to report their plugin’s progress to Sonobuoy by using a customizable webhook. Reporting status is incredibly important for long-running, opaque...
December 13, 2019

Demystifying Kubernetes as a service – How Alibaba cloud manages 10,000s of Kubernetes clusters
Demystifying Kubernetes as a service – How Alibaba cloud manages 10,000s of Kubernetes clusters
Guest post by Zhimin Tang, Xiang Li and Fei Guo of Alibaba Abstract Since 2015, the Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) has been one of the fastest growing cloud services on Alibaba Cloud. Today, ACK not...
December 12, 2019

How Jaeger helped Grafana Labs improve query performance and root out tough bugs
How Jaeger helped Grafana Labs improve query performance and root out tough bugs
The company behind the popular open source Grafana project, Grafana Labs offers customers a hosted metrics platform called Grafana Cloud, which incorporates Metrictank, a Graphite-compatible metrics service, and Cortex, the CNCF sandbox project for multitenant, horizontally scalable Prometheus-as-a-Service....
December 11, 2019

AutoTiKV: TiKV tuning made easy by AI and machine learning
AutoTiKV: TiKV tuning made easy by AI and machine learning
Guest post originally published in Chinese by Yuanli Wang, PingCap Modern database management systems (DBMS) are notorious for being complicated and having too many configuration options-or “knobs”- that mostly determine how the system performs. The traditional way of...
December 10, 2019

CNCF TOC governance structure + elections 2020
CNCF TOC governance structure + elections 2020
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has three main bodies: a Governing Board (GB) that is responsible for marketing, budget and other business oversight decisions for the CNCF, a Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) that is responsible for defining and maintaining the technical...
December 6, 2019 | By Amye Scavarda Perrin

CNCF to participate again in the community bridge mentorship program
CNCF to participate again in the community bridge mentorship program
I’m happy to announce that CNCF will participate again in the Community Bridge Mentorship program. As well as Google Summer of Code and Outreachy, Community Bridge is a platform that brings an opportunity to offer paid internships and...
December 5, 2019 | By Ihor Dvoretskyi

How Kubernetes has been ‘transformational’ to productivity and culture at uSwitch
How Kubernetes has been ‘transformational’ to productivity and culture at uSwitch
When it was founded in 2000, uSwitch helped consumers in the U.K. compare prices for their utilities. The company eventually expanded to include comparison and switching tools for a wide range of verticals, including broadband service, credit cards,...
December 4, 2019