Ambassador post originally published on Medium by Yoshiyuki Tabata

The era of Web 3.0 is upon us, and with it might come a shift in how we manage our digital identities. Previously big platformers managed ID information and provided it to each service, but from now on, users manage it by themselves and provide whatever, wherever, and whenever they want. This is “Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI).”

Currently, there are various standard specifications for SSI. Among them, “OpenID Connect for Verifiable Credentials Issuance (OID4VCI)”, which is a specification that extends OpenID Connect (OIDC) for a Verifiable Credential (VC, which is a credential interacted in SSI), has recently attracted attention due to its ease of acceptance from existing OAuth 2.0/OIDC deployments.

Keycloak, Identity and Access Management OSS, is working towards implementing OID4VCI, and it is attracting attention as a component that plays a central role in SSI because it is in the CNCF family and does not belong to a specific platformer.

This article provides how to issue a VC using Keycloak with a step-by-step.

Overview of a credential issuance flow

SSI is often described with a figure like the below: The three important roles are the “Issuer”, which issues VCs, the “Holder”, which manages issued VCs and self-sovereignly sends them as a VP (Verifiable Presentation), and the “Verifier”, which verifies the VP.

The roles and information flows forming the basis for SSI (from W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0)
The roles and information flows forming the basis for SSI (from W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0)

Here, we use Keycloak as the Issuer and focus on how to issue a credential.

There are two credential issuance flows defined in OID4VCI, here we adapt Authorization Code Flow often used by OAuth 2.0/OIDC deployments.

Similar to the authorization code flow defined in RFC6749, after interacting with the authorization endpoint and the token endpoint, the access token obtained from the token endpoint is used to obtain a VC from the credential endpoint.

Authorization Code Flow
Authorization Code Flow

In the below tutorial, we combine Keycloak and server to act as the Issuer. We use the SSI Kit by published as OSS. Regarding the Holder, we use a bash or browser as appropriate to confirm that the Issuer can issue a VC.

Set up a tutorial environment

First, install server. Clone the GitHub repository.

git clone

After building the project, create a DID for the server to work with Keycloak.

cd waltid-ssikit
./ build
./ did create

Make a note of the DID you created here, as you will need it when creating a Keycloak client for the server.

Then, import a VC template.

./ vc templates import - name Basic4Information basic4information.json

The VC template used here “basic4information.json” is like this.

  "type": [
  "@context": [
      "Basic4Information": "",
      "givenName": "",
      "familyName": "",
      "gender": "",
      "address": "",
      "birthDate": ""
  "id": "",
  "issuer": "did:example:489398593",
  "issuanceDate": "2019–12–03T12:19:52Z",
  "expirationDate": "2029–12–03T12:19:52Z",
  "credentialSubject": {
    "id": "did:example:b34ca6cd37bbf23",
    "givenName": "TARO",
    "familyName": "YAMADA",
    "gender": "Male",
    "birthDate": "1980–01–01",
    "address": "Minato-ku Tokyo"

After that, start the server.

./ serve

Next, install Keycloak.

Download and unzip the Keycloak.wget
tar zxvf keycloak-21.1.2.tar.gz

Install the Keycloak VC-Issuer plugin to enable Keycloak to work with server. Copy the jar file created in the target directory using the commands below to the Keycloak providers directory.

git clone -b authz-code-flow
cd keycloak-vc-issuer
mvn clean package

After setting some environment variables, start Keycloak.

export VCISSUER_WALTID_ADDRESS=http://localhost
export KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin
./ start-dev

An Issuer DID is output to the Keycloak server log at startup, so make a note of it.

Access the 8080 port of the Keycloak host and log in to the admin console with the administrator username/password (admin/admin).

Screenshot showing Keycloak dashboard log in to the admin console with the administrator username/password (admin/admin)

Create a realm “vc-issuer”.

Screenshot showing create a realm “vc-issuer” on Keycloak

Create a user.

Screenshot showing create a user on Keycloak

Set attributes for the user.

Screenshot showing set attributes for the user on Keycloak

Set password for the user.

Screenshot showing set password for the user on Keycloak

Assign the create-client role to the user. This role is only for creating a client for server.

Screenshot showing assign the create-client role to the user on Keycloak

Create a client for server using the curl commands.

token=$(curl http://localhost:8080/realms/vc-issuer/protocol/openid-connect/token -d "client_id=admin-cli&username=test-user&password=$password&grant_type=password" | jq -r '.access_token')
curl http://localhost:8080/realms/vc-issuer/clients-registrations/SIOP-2 -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -d @- <<EOS
  "name": "siop-client",
  "clientDid": "$client_did",
  "supportedVCTypes": [
      "type": "Basic4Information",
      "format": "jwt_vc_json"
  "description": "Client to receive Verifiable Credentials.",
  "expiryInMin": 3600,
  "additionalClaims": {
    "Basic4Information_claims": "givenName,familyName,gender,birthDate,address"

Specify the user’s password for $password, and the client DID for the server for $client_did.

Create client scopes “format_jwt_vc_json” and “types_basic4information”.

Screenshot showing Create client scopes “format_jwt_vc_json” and “types_basic4information” on Keycloak

Create a client for the Holder “sample-wallet”.

Screenshot showing create a client for the Holder “sample-wallet” on Keycloak

Issuing a VC

Let’s issue a VC along with the authorization code flow.

First, you request the credential issuer metadata using the curl command.

curl http://$keycloak_host:8080/realms/vc-issuer/verifiable-credential/$issuer_did/.well-known/openid-configuration

Specify the Keycloak hostname for $keycloak_host, and the issuer DID for $issuer_did.

You can receive the credential issuer metadata like this.

  "issuer": "http://sample.keycloak.server:8080/realms/vc-issuer",
  "authorization_endpoint": "http://sample.keycloak.server:8080/realms/vc-issuer/protocol/openid-connect/auth",
  "token_endpoint": "http://sample.keycloak.server:8080/realms/vc-issuer/verifiable-credential/did:key:xxxx/token",
  "credential_endpoint": "http://sample.keycloak.server:8080/realms/vc-issuer/verifiable-credential/did:key:xxxx/credential",
  "credential_issuer": {
    "display": [
        "name": "Keycloak-Credentials Issuer - did:key:xxxx",
        "locale": "en_US"
  "credentials_supported": {
    "VerifiableCredential": {
      "formats": {
        "ldp_vc": {
          "types": []
        "jwt_vc_json": {
          "types": [
      "display": [
          "name": "Verifiable Credential"

Now, you can see which endpoints you should call in subsequent procedures.

Second, you make an authorization request using the browser.

http://$keycloak_host:8080/realms/vc-issuer/protocol/openid-connect/auth?client_id=sample-wallet&redirect_uri=https://localhost/cb&state=abc&response_type=code&scope=openid format_jwt_vc_json types_basic4information&nonce=xyz

There are two possible ways to request the issuance of a specific credential type and credential format in an authorization request. One way is to use the authorization_details parameter defined in “OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests”, the other way is to use the scope parameter. Here, the latter one is used.

After accessing the above URL using the browser, the login screen is displayed.

login screen

After successful login, you can get an authorization code from the authorization response.

Screenshot showing an authorization code from the authorization response

Third, you make a token request using the curl command.

curl http://$keycloak_host:8080/realms/vc-issuer/verifiable-credential/$issuer_did/token -H "Authorization: Basic $client_credential" -d "grant_type=authorization_code&code=$code&redirect_uri=https://localhost/cb"

Specify the base64 encoded string including the client ID and the client secret, separated by a single colon (“:”) character for $client_credential, and the authorization code obtained from the authorization response for $code.

You can receive the token response like this.

  "access_token": "eyJhbG…",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 300

Finally, you make a credential request using the curl command.curl

http://$keycloak_host:8080/realms/vc-issuer/verifiable-credential/$issuer_did/credential -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"format": "jwt_vc_json", "types": ["VerifiableCredential", "Basic4Information"]}'

Specify the access token obtained from the token response for $token.

You can receive the credential response like this.

  "format": "jwt_vc_json",
  "credential": "eyJra…"
  "sub": "75f81424–1b65–4fb0-a011–09c3da814831",
  "nbf": 1708083637,
  "iss": "did:key:xxxx",
  "iat": 1708083637,
  "vc": {
    "type": [
    "@context": [
        "Basic4Information": "",
        "givenName": "",
        "familyName": "",
        "gender": "",
        "address": "",
        "birthDate": ""
    "id": "urn:uuid:ce7601a3–2079–4283-b519–5e9420ed3cbe",
    "issuer": "did:key:xxxx",
    "issuanceDate": "2024–02–16T11:40:37Z",
    "issued": "2024–02–16T11:40:37Z",
    "validFrom": "2024–02–16T11:40:37Z",
    "expirationDate": "2029–12–03T12:19:52Z",
    "credentialSubject": {
      "id": "75f81424–1b65–4fb0-a011–09c3da814831",
      "givenName": "Hanako",
      "familyName": "Watanabe",
      "gender": "Female",
      "birthDate": "1989–03–17",
      "address": "Yokohama"
  "jti": "urn:uuid:ce7601a3–2079–4283-b519–5e9420ed3cbe"


In this article, I explained how to issue a VC using Keycloak and server, but currently in the Keycloak community, OAuth-SIG (a group whose activity is mainly supporting OAuth/OIDC and its related security features to Keycloak) discusses how to issue a VC using only Keycloak and we are promoting implementation in order.

Current status of implementing OID4VCs to Keycloak (from OAuth-SIG 8th meeting (February 7, 2024) agenda)
Current status of implementing OID4VCs to Keycloak (from OAuth-SIG 8th meeting (February 7, 2024) agenda)

If you would like to know more about this Keycloak activity, please join the Keycloak maintainer Norimatsu’s session, The Leading Edge of AuthN and AuthZ by Keycloak, at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 where he will explain this activity a little bit more.