Guest post originally published on Istio’s blog by Lin Sun,, and John Howard, Google

Introducing the new destination oriented waypoint proxy for simplicity and scalability.

Ambient splits Istio’s functionality into two distinct layers, a secure overlay layer and a Layer 7 processing layer. The waypoint proxy is an optional component that is Envoy-based and handles L7 processing for workloads it manages. Since the initial ambient launch in 2022, we have made significant changes to simplify waypoint configuration, debuggability and scalability.

Architecture of waypoint proxies

Similar to sidecar, the waypoint proxy is also Envoy-based and is dynamically configured by Istio to serve your applications configuration. What is unique about the waypoint proxy is that it runs either per-namespace (default) or per-service account. By running outside of the application pod, a waypoint proxy can install, upgrade, and scale independently from the application, as well as reduce operational costs.

Waypoint architecture

Waypoint proxies are deployed declaratively using Kubernetes Gateway resources or the helpful istioctl command:

$ istioctl experimental waypoint generate
kind: Gateway
  name: namespace
  gatewayClassName: istio-waypoint
  - name: mesh
    port: 15008
    protocol: HBONE

Istiod will monitor these resources and deploy and manage the corresponding waypoint deployment for users automatically.

Shift source proxy configuration to destination proxy

In the existing sidecar architecture, most traffic-shaping (for example request routing or traffic shifting or fault injection) policies are implemented by the source (client) proxy while most security policies are implemented by the destination (server) proxy. This leads to a number of concerns:

In ambient, all policies are enforced by the destination waypoint. In many ways, the waypoint acts as a gateway into the namespace (default scope) or service account. Istio enforces that all traffic coming into the namespace goes through the waypoint, which then enforces all policies for that namespace. Because of this, each waypoint only needs to know about configuration for its own namespace.

The scalability problem, in particular, is a nuisance for users running in large clusters. If we visualize it, we can see just how big an improvement the new architecture is.

Consider a simple deployment, where we have 2 namespaces, each with 2 (color coded) deployments. The Envoy (XDS) configuration required to program the sidecars is shown as circles:

Every sidecar has configuration about all other sidecars

In the sidecar model, we have 4 workloads, each with 4 sets of configuration. If any of those configurations changed, all of them would need to be updated. In total there are 16 configurations distributed.

In the waypoint architecture, however, the configuration is dramatically simplified:

Each waypoint only has configuration for its own namespace

Here, we see a very different story. We have only 2 waypoint proxies, as each one is able to serve the entire namespace, and each one only needs configuration for its own namespace. In total we have 25% of the amount of configuration sent, even for a simple example.

If we scale each namespace up to 25 deployments with 10 pods each and each waypoint deployment with 2 pods for high availability, the numbers are even more impressive – the waypoint config distribution requires just 0.8% of the configuration distribution of the sidecar, as the table below illustrates!

Config DistributionNamespace 1Namespace 2Total
Sidecars25 configurations * 250 sidecars25 configurations * 250 sidecars12500
Waypoints25 configurations * 2 waypoints25 configurations * 2 waypoints100
Waypoints / Sidecars0.8%0.8%0.8%

While we use namespace scoped waypoint proxies to illustrate the simplification above, the simplification is similar when you apply it to service account waypoint proxies.

This reduced configuration means lower resource usage (CPU, RAM, and network bandwidth) for both the control plane and data plane. While users today can see similar improvements with careful usage of exportTo in their Istio networking resources or of the Sidecar API, in ambient mode this is no longer required, making scaling a breeze.

What if my destination doesn’t have a waypoint proxy?

The design of ambient mode centers around the assumption that most configuration is best implemented by the service producer, rather than the service consumer. However, this isn’t always the case – sometimes we need to configure traffic management for destinations we don’t control. A common example of this would be connecting to an external service with improved resilience to handle occasional connection issues (e.g., to add a timeout for calls to

This is an area under active development in the community, where we design how traffic can be routed to your egress gateway and how you can configure the egress gateway with your desired policies. Look out for future blog posts in this area!

A deep-dive of waypoint configuration

Assuming you have followed the ambient get started guide up to and including the control traffic section, you have deployed a waypoint proxy for the bookinfo-reviews service account to direct 90% traffic to reviews v1 and 10% traffic to reviews v2.

Use istioctl to retrieve the listeners for the reviews waypoint proxy:

$ istioctl proxy-config listener deploy/bookinfo-reviews-istio-waypoint --waypoint
LISTENER              CHAIN                                                 MATCH                                         DESTINATION
envoy://connect_originate                                                       ALL                                           Cluster: connect_originate
envoy://main_internal inbound-vip|9080||reviews.default.svc.cluster.local-http  ip= -> port=9080                 Inline Route: /*
envoy://main_internal direct-tcp                                            ip= -> ANY                         Cluster: encap
envoy://main_internal direct-tcp                                            ip= -> ANY                          Cluster: encap
envoy://main_internal direct-tcp                                            ip= -> ANY                         Cluster: encap
envoy://main_internal direct-http                                           ip= -> application-protocol='h2c'  Cluster: encap
envoy://main_internal direct-http                                           ip= -> application-protocol='http/1.1' Cluster: encap
envoy://main_internal direct-http                                           ip= -> application-protocol='http/1.1' Cluster: encap
envoy://main_internal direct-http                                           ip= -> application-protocol='h2c'  Cluster: encap
envoy://main_internal direct-http                                           ip= -> application-protocol='h2c'   Cluster: encap
envoy://main_internal direct-http                                           ip= -> application-protocol='http/1.1'  Cluster: encap
envoy://connect_terminate default                                               ALL       

For requests arriving on port 15008, which by default is Istio’s inbound HBONE port, the waypoint proxy terminates the HBONE connection and forwards the request to the main_internal listener to enforce any workload policies such as AuthorizationPolicy. If you are not familiar with internal listeners, they are Envoy listeners that accepts user space connections without using the system network API. The --waypoint flag added to the istioctl proxy-config command, above, instructs it to show the details of the main_internal listener, its filter chains, chain matches, and destinations.

Note is the reviews’ service VIP and 10.244.x.x are the reviews’ v1/v2/v3 pod IPs, which you can view for your cluster using the kubectl get svc,pod -o wide command. For plain text or HBONE terminated inbound traffic, it will be matched on the service VIP and port 9080 for reviews or by pod IP address and application protocol (either ANYh2c, or http/1.1).

Checking out the clusters for the reviews waypoint proxy, you get the main_internal cluster along with a few inbound clusters. Other than the clusters for infrastructure, the only Envoy clusters created are for services and pods running in the same service account. No clusters are created for services or pods running elsewhere.

$ istioctl proxy-config clusters deploy/bookinfo-reviews-istio-waypoint
agent                                -    -       -           STATIC
connect_originate                    -    -       -           ORIGINAL_DST
encap                                -    -       -           STATIC
kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local 443  tcp     inbound-vip EDS
main_internal                        -    -       -           STATIC
prometheus_stats                     -    -       -           STATIC
reviews.default.svc.cluster.local    9080 http    inbound-vip EDS
reviews.default.svc.cluster.local    9080 http/v1 inbound-vip EDS
reviews.default.svc.cluster.local    9080 http/v2 inbound-vip EDS
reviews.default.svc.cluster.local    9080 http/v3 inbound-vip EDS
sds-grpc                             -    -       -           STATIC
xds-grpc                             -    -       -           STATIC
zipkin                               -    -       -           STRICT_DNS

Note that there are no outbound clusters in the list, which you can confirm using istioctl proxy-config cluster deploy/bookinfo-reviews-istio-waypoint --direction outbound! What’s nice is that you didn’t need to configure exportTo on any other bookinfo services (for example, the productpage or ratings services). In other words, the reviews waypoint is not made aware of any unnecessary clusters, without any extra manual configuration from you.

Display the list of routes for the reviews waypoint proxy:

$ istioctl proxy-config routes deploy/bookinfo-reviews-istio-waypoint
NAME                                                    DOMAINS MATCH              VIRTUAL SERVICE
encap                                                   *       /*
inbound-vip|9080|http|reviews.default.svc.cluster.local *       /*                 reviews.default

Recall that you didn’t configure any Sidecar resources or exportTo configuration on your Istio networking resources. You did, however, deploy the bookinfo-productpage route to configure an ingress gateway to route to productpage but the reviews waypoint has not been made aware of any such irrelevant routes.

Displaying the detailed information for the inbound-vip|9080|http|reviews.default.svc.cluster.local route, you’ll see the weight-based routing configuration directing 90% of the traffic to reviews v1 and 10% of the traffic to reviews v2, along with some of Istio’s default retry and timeout configurations. This confirms the traffic and resiliency policies are shifted from the source to destination oriented waypoint as discussed earlier.

$ istioctl proxy-config routes deploy/bookinfo-reviews-istio-waypoint --name "inbound-vip|9080|http|reviews.default.svc.cluster.local" -o yaml
- name: inbound-vip|9080|http|reviews.default.svc.cluster.local
 validateClusters: false
 - domains:
   - '*'
   name: inbound|http|9080
   - decorator:
       operation: reviews:9080/*
       prefix: /
           config: /apis/
       maxGrpcTimeout: 0s
         hostSelectionRetryMaxAttempts: "5"
         numRetries: 2
         - 503
         - name: envoy.retry_host_predicates.previous_hosts
         retryOn: connect-failure,refused-stream,unavailable,cancelled,retriable-status-codes
       timeout: 0s
         - name: inbound-vip|9080|http/v1|reviews.default.svc.cluster.local
           weight: 90
         - name: inbound-vip|9080|http/v2|reviews.default.svc.cluster.local
           weight: 10

Check out the endpoints for reviews waypoint proxy:

$ istioctl proxy-config endpoints deploy/bookinfo-reviews-istio-waypoint
ENDPOINT                                            STATUS  OUTLIER CHECK CLUSTER                                     HEALTHY OK            prometheus_stats                                     HEALTHY OK            agent
envoy://connect_originate/                          HEALTHY OK            encap
envoy://connect_originate/           HEALTHY OK            inbound-vip|9080|http/v2|reviews.default.svc.cluster.local
envoy://connect_originate/           HEALTHY OK            inbound-vip|9080|http|reviews.default.svc.cluster.local
envoy://connect_originate/          HEALTHY OK            inbound-vip|9080|http/v1|reviews.default.svc.cluster.local
envoy://connect_originate/          HEALTHY OK            inbound-vip|9080|http|reviews.default.svc.cluster.local
envoy://connect_originate/          HEALTHY OK            inbound-vip|9080|http/v3|reviews.default.svc.cluster.local
envoy://connect_originate/          HEALTHY OK            inbound-vip|9080|http|reviews.default.svc.cluster.local
envoy://main_internal/                              HEALTHY OK            main_internal
unix://./etc/istio/proxy/XDS                        HEALTHY OK            xds-grpc
unix://./var/run/secrets/workload-spiffe-uds/socket HEALTHY OK            sds-grpc

Note that you don’t get any endpoints related to any services other than reviews, even though you have a few other services in the default and istio-system namespace.

Wrapping up

We are very excited about the waypoint simplification focusing on destination oriented waypoint proxies. This is another significant step towards simplifying Istio’s usability, scalability and debuggability which are top priorities on Istio’s roadmap. Follow our getting started guide to try the ambient alpha build today and experience the simplified waypoint proxy!