Guest post originally published on the GlobalData blog by Charlotte Dunlap, Principal Analyst, Cloud and DevOps Services, GlobalData Technology

Summary Bullets:

The recent KubeCon 2021 conference garnered much attention not only for its hybrid format (virtual/in-person), but also for its critical role in helping facilitate interaction between customers (primarily developer and IT operations teams) and vendors as enterprises navigate the unchartered waters of digital and business transformations.  A number of important topics and themes raised during the conference were highly relevant to DevOps teams tasked with overseeing an increasingly diverse and distributed IT portfolio.

Key takeaways included: the need to improve security throughout the app modernization lifecycle, illustrated via newer OSS efforts such as the OpenSSF; the increased need for structure around cloud cost containment among enterprises with efforts by FinOps Foundation and its partners; the continued importance of easing developer CICD scripting pipelines through efforts such as GitOps; and growing buzz around emerging observability technologies and disruptors, helped by important OSS technologies such as OpenTelemetry.

More on these trends:

For more on these trends and Kubernetes ecosystems, please see “KubeCon 2021: Themes Included GitOps, FinOps, Security, and Observability” (October 21, 2021).