Authoritative guide on Harbor - Chinese version

Today we are excited to share a new book from the maintainers and contributors of the graduated project Harbor.

We were very excited to announce the graduation of Harbor this summer. Harbor was the first project created in China to be accepted into CNCF and was also the first graduated CNCF project from China. 

Harbor is an open source cloud native registry that stores, signs, and scans content. Having a registry closer to the build and run environment can improve the image transfer efficiency. Harbor supports replication of images between registries and also offers advanced security features such as user management, access control, and activity auditing.

The project has moved steadily through the CNCF maturity levels. It entered the CNCF Sandbox in July 2018, moved to incubation-level in November 2018, and graduated this past June. The general availability of Harbor 2.0 was announced just before graduation in May 2020. 

Harbor now has 13,000+ stars on Github, more than 200 contributors, and 14 maintainers from 5 companies. The project has also helped pioneer the idea of a cloud native registry that not only supports containers but other cloud native artifacts like Helm charts and OCI artifacts.

Given the popularity of the project, the Harbor maintainers and contributors decided to author a book for both potential and current adopters in China, “The Harbor Authoritative Guide.” 

The book will help readers to:

The book is geared towards cloud native architects, DevOps engineers, developers, and end users of Harbor, and will prove helpful for anyone who wants to learn more about the project and how it works. 

Since the projects’ origins are in China, along with the majority of its contributors, the book is only available in Chinese for the time being. If there is enough interest, the maintainers and contributors will release an English version as well. 

We hope you will enjoy reading it! 

Learn more and purchase the book. Feel free to reach out to the authors with any comments or questions on Twitter! Henry Zhang: @zhanghaining, Steven Zou: @loneghost1982, Project Harbor: @project_harbor .