We are excited to announce that Cloud Native Computing Foundation is participating in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2020, one of the most popular programs for new contributors in the world of open source development.

Already in 2017, 2018, 2019, CNCF was one of the most active GSoC participants, and we are reaffirming this trend in 2020 with more than 30 project ideas covered by 15 CNCF projects. Last year, CNCF hosted 17 interns for projects ideas with containerd, CoreDNS, Kubernetes, OPA, Prometheus, Rook and more

If you are a student planning to participate in GSoC 2020 – we invite you to review the participating CNCF project ideas and start talking with mentors. Have a look at the full list of project ideas for 2020 on CNCF’s GitHub page.

Applications open on March 16th and students can register with GSoC to submit their applications to CNCF and other participating organizations. All student applications are due by March 31 at 14:00 ET.