We’re going to India! Following the inaugural Kubernetes forums in Seoul and Sydney, we’re heading to India for our next pair of events!

We’ll be in Bengaluru from February 17-18, 2020, followed by Delhi from February 20-21, 2020. Registration, CFPs, and sponsorships are now open.

Kubernetes Forums in global cities bring together international and local experts with adopters, developers, and practitioners in an accessible and compact format. The Forums are designed to promote face-to-face collaboration and deliver rich educational experiences. At the Forums, attendees can engage with the leaders of Kubernetes and other CNCF-hosted projects and help set direction for the cloud native ecosystem. Kubernetes Forums have both a beginner and an advanced track; about half of the speakers are international experts and half are from the local area.2w

Kubernetes Forums allow international speakers and sponsor teams to double their cloud native event engagement with two events running consecutively in two cities during a single week. At the same time, local speakers and attendees are able to engage with a larger global audience without leaving their hometown.

Register now for Bengaluru and Delhi.

Learn more about speaking, or submit a proposal. Submissions must be received by end of the day local time on Friday, November 1, 2019.

Learn more about sponsorship for Bengaluru and Delhi