We are excited to announce that we’re now accepting applications to run Kubernetes Community Days around the world.
Kubernetes Community Days are community-organized events that gather adopters and technologists from open source and cloud native communities to learn, collaborate, and network to further the adoption and improvement of Kubernetes.
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation supports Kubernetes Community Days by providing guidance and tools, covering all the aspects of holding a successful event. These events are decentralized and focused on community engagement. We hope they will be a lot of fun, and prove to be a great way to meet new people while also building community. Local event organizers handle their own sponsorships, registration, and all other logistics. Each event brings its own local flair, culture, diversity, and authenticity (and its own logo and t-shirts, of course!)
We would like to give a hearty thank you to DevOpsDays and OpenStack Days for their inspiration and, in particular, for providing the basis of this program. We liberally borrowed from their thoughts, their experience, and their documentation.
Learn more about hosting your own Kubernetes Community Day.