CNCF Meetup groups cover topics around cloud-native computing and CNCF-hosted projects throughout the year. Through the passion of our community, and the help of the Cloud Native Ambassador (CNA) program, CNCF meetups across the globe have grown to more than 100,000 members.
Meetup Stats:
- 105,647 total Meetup members
- 2,019 total events to date
- 186 groups
- 47 countries
These meetups discuss CNCF related technologies like Kubernetes, Prometheus, or any of our current hosted projects. Topics range from container networking and application services to multi-cloud engineering, scalability, microservices, and much more.
CNCF supports the worldwide community of cloud native meetups and provides a number of resources for both existing and new groups looking to become an official meetup:
- Meetup Best Practices provide guidance on starting a new meetup group based on the experience of existing ones. This includes everything from naming the group, attendee booking, scheduling, and finding a venue, sponsors and speakers.
- Presentations are available from the CNCF community to share and reuse. There are a variety of topics available, including CNCF projects and presentations from industry events. Content is also available in Chinese and Japanese and members can request to have their own presentations added.
- Speaker’s Bureau helps connect event organizers with speakers with a variety of expertise within the cloud native ecosystem. Speakers consist of CNCF meetup organizers, ambassadors, and prominent community members who are willing to speak at local events on certain topics they are proficient in. Event organizers are welcome to reach out to speakers to invite them to participate in your event.
CNCF is continually working to expand the cloud native community around the globe and looking for new meetup communities to join our network. Do you have a Meetup that might be a good fit? Learn more about applying.
With 186 groups in 47 countries, chances are there is a meetup near you. Find your local CNCF meetup.