Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) accepted Harbor, a cloud native registry, into the CNCF Sandbox, a home for early stage and evolving cloud native projects.
Project Harbor is an open source cloud native registry that stores, signs, and scans content. Created at VMware, Harbor extends the open source Docker Distribution by adding the functionalities usually required by users – such as security, identity, and management – and supports replication of images between registries. With more than 4,600 stars on GitHub, the project also offers advanced security features such as vulnerability analysis, role-based access control, activity auditing, and more.

“Container registries are essential to healthy cloud native environments, and enterprises require the security, features, flexibility, and portability that a trusted registry provides,” said Haining Henry Zhang, Technical Director, Innovation and Evangelism, at VMware, and Harbor project founder. “We’re thrilled to have Harbor in an neutral home that fosters open collaboration, which is incredibly important for creating new critical features. The project will benefit greatly from the contributions of CNCF’s thriving community.”
Harbor users include CNCF members Caicloud, China Mobile,, Pivotal, Rancher, Tencent Cloud, Tenxcloud and Wise2c, along with OnStar Shanghai, Talking Data and TrendMicro, among others.
TOC sponsors of the project include Quinton Hoole and Ken Owens.
The CNCF Sandbox is a home for early stage projects, for further clarification around project maturity levels in CNCF, please visit our outlined Graduation Criteria.
Harbor项目是一个具有存储、签署和扫描内容功能的开源云原生registry。Harbor 由VMware创建,通过添加用户所需功能(如安全性,身份认证和管理)来扩展开源Docker Distribution,并支持在registry之间复制镜像。Harbor还提供高级安全功能,比如漏洞分析,基于角色的访问控制,活动审计等等。该项目在GitHub上已获得超过4600颗星。

Harbor用户包括CNCF成员才云、中国移动、京东、Pivotal、Rancher、腾讯云、时速云、睿云智合,以及 上海安吉星,Talking Data和TrendMicro等。
该项目的TOC发起人包括Quinton Hoole和 Ken Owens。