Cloud native – orchestrating containers as part of a microservices architecture – is a departure from traditional application design. Kubernetes and other cloud native technologies enable more rapid software development at a lower cost than traditional infrastructure. However, the containerization wave can be a little confusing – which applications to lift, which ones to keep as is, which ones can’t be left behind, etc.

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation is offering a map to guide developers and users through this new terrain with the launch of a new webinar series.

The CNCF Webinar Series kicks off December 15th at 10:am PT – 11:00 a.m. PT with a discussion on Cloud Native Strategy with Jamie Dobson of Container Solutions. Register for the Webinar today!

The series, along with our major events like CloudNativeCon/KubeCon and Pacific Northwest Roadshows, bring the community together and dive into different facets of this formerly uncharted, but increasingly popular territory.


Many companies see the benefits of highly available, scalable and resilient systems. They want to go ‘cloud native,’ but as they reach for containerized microservices they may actually be grabbing the golden egg rather than the goose that laid it.

In this webinar, we’ll look at a model for emerging strategy, classic mistakes and how to avoid them. We’ll also look at how we can iterate through the ‘cloud native’ problem space. Along the way, and before we get to recent history, we’ll visit ancient Greece, post-war Scandinavia, and the Jet Propulsion Lab. We’ll learn about heuristics, including the doughnut principle, and, of course, we’ll confront the key paradox that strategy tries to resolve: what is good for a business, is not necessary good for those who work in it.


Jamie is the CEO of Container Solutions, one of the world’s leading cloud native consultancies. He specializes in strategy and works with companies that have particularly difficult problems to solve.