We recently announced a new curriculum development, training and certification initiative for Kubernetes – announced during CloudNativeCon + KubeCon. To kick things off, CNCF will be hosting two in-person sessions for the CNCF Certification Working Group, to be held at the Linux Foundation’s San Francisco offices from 9am-5pm on December 8-9th and 14-15th.

If you are interested in helping develop the certification exam – especially if you are aiming to be in the initial class of Kubernetes Managed Service Providers (KMSP) – we encourage you to send your resident Kubernetes experts to one or both of the workgroup meetings outlined below.

If unable to attend all four days, feel free to join for only a few days or split the time with another attendee. Technical representatives from Apprenda, Canonical, Cisco, Container Solutions, CoreOS, Deis, Huawei, Google, RX-M, Samsung, and Skippbox will be attending. Please RSVP by emailing Liz Kline at lkline@linuxfoundation.org and be sure to join our mailing list.

Working Group 1:

December 8-9th

Time: 8:30am – 5:30pm PT

Location: LF Board Room at The Linux Foundation HQ; 1 Letterman Drive. San Francisco

The focus of the these two days will be to conduct a Job Task Analysis (JTA), determining the skills, knowledge and abilities a certified candidate should be able to demonstrate. The outcome of this JTA will be our exam “blueprint” – this blueprint of topics for the Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator exam is a great example of the kind of material we’re aiming to produce for public consumption. Once this is complete, any interested training provider will then be able to develop secondary material that adequately prepares candidates to succeed on the certification exam.

Working Group 2:

December 14-15th

Time: 8:30am – 5:30 pm PT

Location: LF Board Room at The Linux Foundation HQ; 1 Letterman Drive. San Francisco

The second two-day session will center around writing the certification exam items, which will test the earlier-identified JTA blueprint elements. The entire process will be facilitated by the Linux Foundation’s psychometrician to ensure we leave with the right content, allowing them to immediately move into programming and testing the exam items.

The goal of our Kubernetes Certification, Training and KMSP is to ensure enterprises receive the support they’re looking for to get up to speed and roll out new applications more quickly and more efficiently. We hope you’ll join us for these first two meetings – as this group will help define the program’s open source curriculum – available under the Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 International license for anyone to use. While teleconference won’t be provided in order to make the meeting go as quickly and efficiently as possible, we will be posting the drafts to Github and accepting feedback there if you’re unable to join us in San Francisco.

If you are interested in additional details and the developments stemming from these meetings, please also join the certification working group mailing list.

As always, feel free to send along any questions on our Cloud Native Computing Foundation Slack channel for community feedback and support!