All posts by Jessie

The KCD Italy 2024 logo: a slice of cloud native harmony
KCD Post The KCD Italy 2024 logo: a slice of cloud native harmony
 KCD post by the KCD Italy Team The Call for Harmonization The Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) Italy, a vibrant event supported by the CNCF, is back with a fresh twist. In 2024, the CNCF and the Linux Foundation...
March 26, 2024 | By KCD Italy Team

The Stack: “How a platform focus helped Deutsche Bahn”
The Stack: “How a platform focus helped Deutsche Bahn”
Following a race to the cloud by German railway operator Deutsche Bahn in 2016, it was the “grassroots” that ultimately fostered a platform engineering approach with Kubernetes at its heart as its sought to optimize its systems.
March 26, 2024

Linux Magazin: “CNCF schließt Partnerschaft mit Lernplattform Udemy”
Linux Magazin: “CNCF schließt Partnerschaft mit Lernplattform Udemy”
Die Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hat bei der Kubecon + CloudNativeCon in Paris eine Partnerschaft mit der Schulungsplattform Udemy bekannt gegeben. Im Zuge der Partnerschaft soll Udemy Inhalte zur Unterstützung der CNCF-Zielgruppe von rund 233.000 Projektmitarbeitern und...
March 26, 2024

Why you may be dropping key mobile data from your observability solution
Member Post Why you may be dropping key mobile data from your observability solution
Member post by Fredric Newberg, CTO and Co-Founder of Embrace If you have a business-critical mobile app, you might be surprised to learn that your observability solution is dropping a large percentage of your mobile app observability data....
March 25, 2024

LeMagIT: “IA générative et Kubernetes : ces défis que l’écosystème doit relever”
LeMagIT: “IA générative et Kubernetes : ces défis que l’écosystème doit relever”
La semaine dernière, la KubeCon parisienne a permis de mettre en lumière l’importance de Kubernetes dans l’émergence de l’IA générative… et des progrès que l’écosystème doit encore réaliser pour que l’orchestrateur de conteneurs réponde aux enjeux des entreprises.
March 25, 2024

CloudPro: “KubeCon groans point to growing ‘AI fatigue'”
CloudPro: “KubeCon groans point to growing ‘AI fatigue'”
At some point on the final day of keynotes at KubeCon Europe 2024, the crowd decided it had finally heard enough about AI, letting out an audible groan at a begrudging mention of the technology. 
March 25, 2024

ITPro: “The future of generative AI lies in open source”
ITPro: “The future of generative AI lies in open source”
The open source ecosystem has long been the backbone of the global technology industry, and in the age of generative AI, the situation is no different. Some of the most impressive models out there are open source, such as Mistral...
March 25, 2024

The Register: “How would you sum up a decade of Kubernetes?”
The Register: “How would you sum up a decade of Kubernetes?”
LOGOWATCH Are you feeling creative? To celebrate ten years of Kubernetes, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is seeking a design for an anniversary logo. Perhaps just the letters A and I crudely taped onto a ship’s wheel would...
March 25, 2024

CIO: “La Deutsche Bahn embarque ses développeurs dans le verdissement de ses infrastructures”
CIO: “La Deutsche Bahn embarque ses développeurs dans le verdissement de ses infrastructures”
Comme tous les opérateurs ferroviaires, l’Allemand Deutsche Bahn a plutôt le beau rôle face au changement climatique. La seule empreinte carbone directe du train, pour le transport de fret ou de voyageurs, suffit à faire pâlir de jalousie...
March 25, 2024

CompuerWeekly: “Interview: Priyanka Sharma, executive director, CNCF”
CompuerWeekly: “Interview: Priyanka Sharma, executive director, CNCF”
We speak to the Cloud Native Computing Forum chief about her own journey in software development and the continuous drive towards greater inclusivity
March 25, 2024