All posts by Jessie

ContainerJournal: "The CNCF etcd project reaches a significant milestone with completion of security audit"
ContainerJournal: "The CNCF etcd project reaches a significant milestone with completion of security audit"
This week, a third-party security audit was published on etcd, the open source distributed key-value store that plays a crucial role in scaling Kubernetes in the cloud. For etcd, this audit was important in multiple ways. The audit...
August 5, 2020

DevClass: "What’s the point: Vitess, Cloudflare Workers Unbound, Kuma, New Relic, GitHub, and Oso"
DevClass: "What’s the point: Vitess, Cloudflare Workers Unbound, Kuma, New Relic, GitHub, and Oso"
Database clustering system and CNCF graduated project Vitess has recently become available in version 7.0, improving SQL support and stability amongst other things. The tool, which originated at YouTube, now sports VExec and Workflow commands to facilitate automation...
August 4, 2020

Kubernetes RBAC 101: Authentication
Member Post Kubernetes RBAC 101: Authentication
Guest post originally published on the Kublr blog by Oleg Chunikhin Leveraging Client Certificates and Bearer Tokens to Authenticate in Kubernetes In part one of this series on Kubernetes RBAC, we introduced authentication and authorization methods. In this article, we’ll dive...
July 31, 2020

HelpNetSecurity: "The Linux Foundation develops certification to enable cloud native pros demonstrate competence"
HelpNetSecurity: "The Linux Foundation develops certification to enable cloud native pros demonstrate competence"
The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, and Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, announced a new certification, the Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) is in...
July 17, 2020

TechBeacon: "KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe: Cloud native goes mainstream"
TechBeacon: "KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe: Cloud native goes mainstream"
Cloud-native deployments are getting larger as adoption becomes mainstream, and businesses are reaping the benefits. More than three quarters of companies use Kubernetes in production, up from 58% last year, according to a recent survey from the Cloud...
July 15, 2020

ContainerJournal: "Linux Foundation Partners With CNCF on Kubernetes Certs, Training"
ContainerJournal: "Linux Foundation Partners With CNCF on Kubernetes Certs, Training"
The Linux Foundation and Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced today they are collaboratively developing a Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) certification expected to be available in November. At the same time, the two open source consortiums announced...
July 15, 2020

The New Stack: "Contour ingress controller joins CNCF at incubation level"
The New Stack: "Contour ingress controller joins CNCF at incubation level"
The open source Contour, a high-performance ingress controller for Kubernetes that provides a control plane for the Envoy proxy, joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as an incubation level project, skipping over the traditional sandbox level entry...
July 9, 2020

DevClass: "CNCF relaxes Sandbox process, welcomes new Incubating project"
DevClass: "CNCF relaxes Sandbox process, welcomes new Incubating project"
With the CNCF becoming the home of more and more cloud-native projects, the foundation has come up with a slightly reworked sandbox process, taking a bit of strain off its Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) and simplifying the submission...
July 9, 2020

SiliconANGLE: "VMware’s Contour becomes the CNCF’s latest incubation-level project"
SiliconANGLE: "VMware’s Contour becomes the CNCF’s latest incubation-level project"
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation said today it has accepted Contour, an open-source ingress controller for Kubernetes, as its latest incubation-level project.
July 7, 2020

SDxCentral: "CNCF leadership change targets cloud native ‘second wave’"
SDxCentral: "CNCF leadership change targets cloud native ‘second wave’"
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) recently changed up its leadership with Priyanka Sharma taking over from Dan Kohn as head of the Linux Foundation-based organization. The move comes at an important junction for the organization and the...
July 6, 2020