Search results for: metallb

Multi-cluster PKI + Istio recipe: practical example for a trusted and scalable PKI for your service mesh

Posted on November 1, 2024 | Cristofer TenEyck and Jimmy Song

 Member post originally published on Tetrate’s blog by Cristofer TenEyck and Jimmy Song Introduction  In the evolving landscape of cloud-native applications, securing service meshes across multiple clusters is crucial for ensuring both security and compliance. Istio,…

“A well-secured project”: Cilium security audits 2022 published

Posted on February 13, 2023 | Liz Rice

Project post by Liz Rice, Isovalent, for the Cilium project One of the benefits for CNCF projects is the funding of third-party security audits and testing. These help projects identify potential vulnerabilities in their code and…

A cloud-like on-prem load balancer for Kubernetes?

Posted on February 21, 2022 | Alex Saroyan

Guest post originally published on Netris’s blog by Alex Saroyan Everyone knows that using a Kubernetes Load Balancer is a challenge. Back in the day when I was responsible for network operations, the load balancer management…

Why and how of Kubernetes Ingress (and networking)

Posted on August 27, 2021 | Saaras team

Guest post originally published on Saaras’s blog by the Saaras team Services running in Kubernetes are not accessible on public or private cloud. This is how Kubernetes is designed considering service security in mind. Securely allowing…

Quick application deployments on MicroK8s using Helm Charts

Posted on March 23, 2021 | Ranjan Parthasarathy

Guest post by Ranjan Parthasarathy, Co-Founder, LOGIQ Helm is a Kubernetes package manager that helps you find, share, and use software built for Kubernetes. With Helm Charts, you can bundle Kubernetes deployments into a single package…

Leaving the Swarm: The Road to Kubernetes

Posted on September 14, 2020 | Kevin Crawley

Guest post by Kevin Crawley, Developer Advocate for Containous In order to tell this story, we have to go back a little over three years ago, when I was asked to join Single as an investor,…